Manifesto for a
new set of ethics in
digital advertising

Our Commitment

Investments in digital advertising have seen a steady growth these past years, with eMarketer reporting a 8% increase in Canada for 2018. That being said, while this fast evolution has allowed for an explosion in the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, the proliferation of actors and the complexification of advertising operations have simultaneously opened the door to multiple problems. And while they may not be the only ones affected, it is often the advertisers who pay most heavily.

In Canada, the United States and elsewhere, there is an ever-increasing number of reports and press releases denouncing the lack of transparency, the conflicts of interest, and the controversial methods of remuneration, in addition to other dubious business practices.

We believe it essential for the advertisers of Canada and Quebec to tackle these issues head-on. For our part, we choose a position of active commitment while adopting principles that are clear and firm, and we encourage everyone else to do the same.

We believe that all remuneration should be transparent, clear, and justified.

  1. Remuneration should be exempt from any undisclosed profit that is directly integrated into the cost of media.
  2. Discounts offered by certain providers should be passed on to the customers in full, via either money or free media.
  3. Collaborations with third parties
    should be exempt from commissions.
  4. Remuneration should be based on the number of hours of work actually required and completed, rather than on a percentage of the media investment.

We believe that digital data and platforms should belong to the customers.

  1. Digital tools should be configured so that customers are their owners and can internalize or transfer them as they wish.

We believe in the universality and transferability of knowledge.

  1. All information should be presented in a comprehensible manner by making technical information understandable and avoiding an excess of irrelevant information.
  2. Communication with customers should be concise, accurate, and educational so that they can develop their skills and autonomy.

We believe that the slightest conflict of interest should be avoided.

  1. Customer data should be held as strictly confidential and be used only for their own benefit.
  2. Any potential conflict of interest should be stated up front. Without explicit approval from all parties involved, it should be strictly avoided.

We believe in a new approach based on transparency, integrity, and collaboration.

  1. These principles should be guaranteed by a proper contractual agreement, rather than mere trust between the parties.

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